
Debra Seidel
Handwoven Rugs

Family trips to historical sights instilled in me an early interest in textiles, needle work, textile history and especially early handwoven household goods. I loved watching cloth seemingly magically develop as the weavers threw their shuttle. I was fortunate to acquire an old but sturdy oak floor loom in the early 80’s and after studying weave drafts, tie-ups, and structure for many months I embarked on a path of hands on learning and experimentation. It wasn’t until the early 90’s that I found my passion for rag rug weaving.

My rugs are woven on that same heavy oak four harness floor loom using 8/4 cotton carpet warp traditionally used at the start of the home based rug weaving era in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s and sourced from the original manufacturer though the company has changed names through the years. Traditionally the filler would have been household cast-offs that had served their purpose but had seen better days. I began my rug weaving by taking apart blue jeans, cutting them into strips, sewing the strips together and then weaving them into durable, stylish “rag” rugs. Through the years I have recycled all types of textiles from jeans, sheets, and bedspreads to neckties and t-shirts into colorful, purposeful rugs for every room of the home. I also enjoy creating pictorial rugs using various weaving techniques. These handcrafted works of art are suitable for floor, table, or wall and many of them are one-of-a-kind.